If You Need A Court Qualified Forged Document Expert Call Today for a Free Consultation 212-537-9114

Now, you can work directly with the nation’s leading handwriting analyst who has been seen on CNN, CBS, FOX, NBC, and hundreds of other TV programs and has over 50 court qualifications and testimonies.

Call Today and Ask For Brett Goldstein Directly.

bart baggett credentials

Call Today:
9am-5pm EST


Mayor of Los Angeles Says:

"When you need a professional handwriting expert of the highest standards, hire Bart Baggett. He is honest, quick, direct... and will deliver an objective expert opinion, every time. I recommend him without hesitation."

~ Richard J. Riordan,
39th Mayor of Los Angeles

Bart Baggett, America's #1
Handwriting Analyst.
Court Qualified Forensic handwriting analysis expert. Experienced.
President of The International School of Forensic Document Examination and author of 5 books related
to handwriting analysis.

Document Examination is a complicated and skilled profession which takes years of training. Our handwriting lab is qualifed to help you solve your case.

Dear Friend,

If you are an attorney or you have a pending litigation that involves handwriting analysis, forgery or a questioned document, you should call my office immediately. 

I am part of a network of highly trained handwriting experts / forensic document examiners nationwide that have testified in all 50 states, foreign countries and years of experience.  In fact, if you speak to our clients (attorneys and individuals), they will tell you that our expertise and well-crafted professional opinions has led to settlements, jury decisions, and even appellate decisions in their clients favor.  The fact is... hiring the right forensic document examiner can help you win your case. 

While we can never promise our “official opinion” will be the exact opinion that supports your case… you can guarantee the professionalism, the experience, and the in-depth knowledge of the being an high profile “expert witness” will help you… even if the opinion itself does not.  Having the right team around you is an essential strategy to getting the outcome you desire.

And quite frankly, why not hire the famous forensic document examiner who has been on more TV & radio shows than any other forensic expert in the United States?

 bart baggett on larry
          king live


Outside of the media spotlight, I have had over 25 years of experience in handwriting analysis from handwritten items, forged checks, and medical files.  I’ve been hired by attorneys in civil cases, criminal cases, from small claims court to the Federal level. 

If your case involves any of the following issues, call our office right away for a short initial consultation.

checkmarkwills and testaments

checkmarkForgery Expert Analysis forgeries.


checkmarkcontract dispute

checkmarkink and paper testing

checkmarkpaper analysis

checkmarkforged checks

checkmarkpoisoned pen letters

checkmark threatening notes

checkmark questioned handwriting on a wall

checkmark confession letters

checkmark suicide notes

checkmark theft of property

checkmark disguised writing

checkmark notes

checkmark contracts

checkmark prenuptial agreements

checkmark envelopes

checkmark attorney consulting

checkmark courtroom exhibits

checkmark college handwritten exams

checkmark deposition reviews

checkmark Forgery Detection.

bart baggett credentials

In a nutshell, if you have a document where the authenticity is in question... I can help you.

Call my office today: 212-537-9114
Speak to me or one of of our forensic specialist about your case, right away.
The initial consultation is free. Call now.


Helped Client Avoid 15 Years in Prison

"Thanks you soooooo much for going above and beyond. Your testimony was the key the criminal lawsuit against me. The jury found me NOT GUILTY on all counts. They obviously believed you instead of that Police document examiner the D.A. hired.

I was so impressed you handled that District Attorney with such professionalism... he knew you were right, but couldn't make you look bad on the witness stand.

I have my life back. Thank you Mr. Baggett!"

~ Amir Dawood, Attorney
San Bernadino, CA

When you call the office of the internationally acclaimed forensic forensic document examiner, Bart Baggett, you will be greeted with a professional, trained forensic document examiner that can answer your questions about your particular case.  (If my staff cannot answer your questions before you hire me, I’ll schedule an appointment and get back to you within 24 hours.)

If you decide to hire me or one of my team of “court qualified forensic document examiners”, your case will receive priority attention. In most cases, and get you a verbal opinion within just a few days.  And, you can even ask for a “rush” case and get an opinion in less than a day.  (Yes, there is an additional fee for Rush cases, naturally)

In most cases, the process takes 3 steps.

1. The case set up and Lab Work.

2.  The Verbal Opinion. (Via phone.)

3.  The Written Letter.  If you want the “official opinion” in writing, we simple issue an official letter opinion on our letterhead or in a “legal declaration” format. 

Our clients have utilized that “letter of opinion” along with my stellar curriculum vitae to move their case along to settlement, arbitration, court testimony or dismissal. 

For most cases, you can scan and email your documents via PDF files or Fed-X your originals to our office.   In today’s world of computers, Fed-X, cheap air fare, and the Internet… there is no good reason to hire a “less qualified” forensic document examiner who lives across town, when you can hire the country’s most recognized forensic document examiner for the about the same price.

Plus, with the “Special Offer”… we are discounting our Court Appearance Fees by 50% to any client who needs a court appearance which is out-of-state.  This will more than offset any small travel fees that only will apply if I have to travel to court or an on-site examination.  We want you to find all the reasons to hire our office.

Tell us how we can work with you to make that happen.

Baggett helps jilted x-wife win $330,000 from forged pre-nuptual agreement


The fact that you were here, in the court, to prove my x-husband forged the prenuptial agreement was the key winning to my divorce case. I can't thank you enough. You've help end this horrible 2 year drama of lies and created justice for me."

~ Michelle Cheeley,
San Bernadino, CA

(X-Husband forged prenuptial agreement and settled during the court trial to avoid Bart's 2nd day of court testimony.)


Here’s our promise:  You’ll get the most professional, objective and honest assessment of your documents available in the USA.

Call our office today before you send any documents and we’ll tell you how quickly we can turn your case around, what any fees would be, to the penny, and any estimated travel fees if we have to come to court in your state. 

Mr. Baggett flies all over the United States to assist clients in document examining cases. If your case requires Mr. Baggett to travel, ask about the out-of-state discounts now available for first time clients.

Call today for an appointment or press here to submit your order and reserve a priory spot in Mr. Baggett’s queue of cases.

Call my office today: 212-537-9114
Speak to me or our New York office manager Brett Goldstein your case, right away.
The first consultation is free. Call now.

In a nutshell, if you have a document where the
authenticity is in question... I can help you.

Are you ready to move forward?

Get your case started today and place your case in the que, simply online using our secure online payment system. This expedites your case and gives you priority attention in our office.

You can also call and ask questions
before process your retainer fee: 212-537-9114

Baggett Helps Client Recover $6,600


Your testimony and support during this lawsuit by my x-girlfriend has been nothing short of amazing. The judge awarded me full amount of the $6,600 and finally I can sleep at night."

~ Mike Juaraz,
East Los Angeles

Mayor of Los Angeles Recommends Bart

"When you need a professional handwriting expert of the highest standards, hire Bart Baggett. He is honest, quick, direct... and will deliver an objective expert opinion, every time. I recommend him without hesitation."

~ Richard J. Riordan
39th Mayor of Los Angeles

Attorneys Recommend Bart

"Bart Baggett is the best expert witness I've ever worked with. What's more, he successfully testified for my client via telephone in a live trial here in Alaska. He even "consulted with me" on how best to cross-examine the defense's document examiner. We won the trial and I recommend him whole heartedly."

~ Jim Fry, Attorney
Anchorage, Alaska

Even when Bart isn't in the Room,
His Reputation Helps Client Win

"Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Your opinion letter may become enough to prevent a trial."

~ Sandra G. Slater
Phoenix, AZ